Friday, April 18, 2008

Grüss von München

Don't worry, I will write the rest in English, just showing off my rather poor German anyway. In fact I was given the 3rd degree coming through customs, which I have never received in Europe before and Rodney with whom I am staying tells me they probably thought because I spoke in German, I just might try to get work while here.

Not a lot to relate yet. At least the flight is over and I can try to forget for 8 weeks that I think it is a modern form of torture to put humans in a metal tube and send them through the air for hour after hour and pay for the privilege.
We had individual tv screens for the 9 hours from Sydney to Bangkok and it took me nearly half the movie "Golden Compass" before I learnt how to work it, even saw about 20 mins in German and no my German is not that good. So I decided to watch it again right through in English without interruption then, having got the knack I planned my films for the second flight of 12 hours from Bangkok to Munich only to find the plane had not been upgraded and we just had one screen up front over several rows of heads and the first film as, you guessed it "The Golden compass" so I gave up and read my book with a few short snatches of sleep.

More pleasant have been the dinners, Monday night with my sister and brother-in-law in City Tattersalls in Sydney, Tuesday night with internet friends Tony and Somphong in Bangkok. Somphong ensured I experienced Thai food without affecting my stomach as spicy food is prone to do. Part of my journey is to meet people in real life who have only been internet acquaintances up to now. Last night (Thursday) I had dinner with my host Rodney who was one of the students when I was teaching at Benilde back in 1976 but has lived here in Munich for over 20 years.

Today in Munich I took it easy, as expected my body cycle is completely out of synch (I am typing this at 3am), and did some rail bookings that could not be done on the internet, bought some English novels to read (my luggage was already over the limit) and took a movie of the Glockenspiel at the Town Hall (photo above - the movie will have to wait) which I have seen several times before but is fun.
Probably more funny was the teenage I saw out of the corner of my eye with a banana up to his eye taking us all off to amuse his friends. We tourists are a funny lot.
Also visited Die Frauenkirche with an impressive huge crucifix dominating and the burial site of lots of the kings of Bavaria including the mad king Ludwig who built those marvellous castles. Went to enter another church called Alte Peter but a service was going on so I went to the food markets and bought a Bratwurst bun instead. Thought about a half liter of beer but decided not a good idea with my state of jetlag and it was very cold even at midday to be sitting too long in the open.
So of on the first of many train journeys to Berchtesgaden tomorrow but I may not have as good internet connection for a while. Rodney does much of his work by internet at home so it is very good compared to mine.


Alcibiades said...

The AltePeterkiche, Bratwurst und Bier - I''m green with envy at you being in Europe in spring (even if it is still chilly)! ;-)

Great to hear you've arrived ok - it all sounds fabulous. Thanks for the update: it's the next best think to being there myself. God Bless mate, keep well, and keep having a great time.

Doorman-Priest said...

Jet lag is a nightmare. I long for the days (and the money) for leisurley cruises.

susan s. said...

Hi Brian,

I came over here to check and lo and behold here is the Munich post! I read with interest, because I was there for 2 days long ago. You mentioned the glockenspiel. I liked it too. I seem to remember a small church close by(of course I can't remember the name of it) that was 'the most Baroque of the churches in Munich' according to our guide.

I look forward to more of your travel tales!

Brian R said...

Thanks for comments, trouble finding wifi cafe and most bloggin will have to wait until l can use my own laptop with english keyboard. now in vienna