St James is located opposite the Catholic Cathedral.
During the week we have had a once-in-a-lifetime experience at St James' with hundreds, indeed thousands, of young people and many older people in St James' at all times of the day and evening, but especially during the 12 times of Prayer with the Brothers of Taizé. They came from every country imaginable and, as part of the prayers, we heard the Scriptures read and the Lord's Prayer prayed in many languages. The church itself was decorated in orange and gold and awash with candles. The large cross from Taizé and the icons, softly lit with candles, added to the sense of prayerfulness and attentiveness on God. People milled on the steps and porticos, coming in or going out. The prayer times themselves, led by the brothers in their white habits, and supported by a young choir and instrumentalists, were simple, still and meditative. As the city was caught up in World Youth Day, there is no doubt that St James' was well and truly ''in the thick of it'' and it was a great

— Fr Peter
That brings tears to my eyes. I love Taize and what could be more ecumenical than that?
Taize is something I have meant to investigate further. I guess this week would have been a chance but the thoughts of crowds of young people in the city turned me off even attending church this morning. I have been told the quote on use on my email is Taize though I do not remember where I found it.
"Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est"
Wherever there is love, there is God"
Ubi Caritas is the antiphon for the washing of feet on Maundy Thursday.
Thank God for St James King Street, Sydney! Dean Jensen must be such an embarassment to you!
Brooklyn, NY
At least someone has some sense in Sydney
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