Our church St James, King Street has 3 services most Sundays. 7.45 Said Eucharist is far too early for me (1 would need to leave home about 5am). 9am Sung Eucharist suits me fine and I can be home at 1pm for lunch. 11am Choral Eucharist is beautiful but I prefer to keep it for special occasions (when it is often combined and at 10am). Thoroughly confused? :-)
Yesterday went at 9am and watching news last night got a shock when I saw our assistant priest. Then followed the Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd and his wife. Several other views followed during the news. Kevin Rudd is a devout Anglican and the reporters seem to like interviewing him as he leaves church each Sunday. He grew up in Brisbane and naturally now lives in Canberra so he would not feel very at home in the usual Sydney church. He must have been in Sydney for the weekend and yeay, he chose a good inclusive non fundamentalist church.
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