Four weeks ago the electoral synod of Dunedin elected their new bishop. In New Zealand this election must be approved by the other bishops and the General Synod so I have been keenly awaiting an announcement.
For nearly 2 years I have been following the blog of Archdeacon Kelvin Wright "Available Light" It is on my blog roll and my blog is on his blog roll. He is vicar of Saint John's, Roslyn which is the parish covering the suburbs of Dunedin where I plan to live.
My sister and I worshipped at St John's on November 2nd last year and I introduced myself to him.
When people ask if I know anyone in Dunedin, I have said "the local priest" Well, I read his blog and have followed his fight with prostate cancer and his pilgrimage to the San Camino earlier this year. We have rejoiced that he has been declared clear of the cancer after a session of radiotherapy.
It has just been announced that Kelvin Wright is to be the 9th bishop of Dunedin.
I feel a bit flabbergasted. Now when I am asked do I know anyone in Dunedin, I can say the new bishop but I am a little disappointed that I will not know the vicar of my new parish. He is to be consecrated on February 27th, 2010. Please pray for him in this new task.
On November 22nd St James is farewelling Fr Peter Kurti who has been Rector for the past 7 years. Please pray for the parish nominators as they choose a new rector. So many changes.
Epiphany XXI: Martyrs
6 hours ago
Brian, prayers for your new bishop and that your future church will choose a wonderful new vicar.
He has said he will keep a moratorium on same-sex partnered clergy.
Thank you for the link. I note Kelvin has said " Responding to Mr Kinnear (the same-sex partnered priest ordained by the previous bishop) , Dr Wright described the argument as "thoughtful and well-considered views".
"From my perspective, I am not yet a bishop, have not yet had an opportunity to canvass the whole mind of our diocese on this matter, and would greatly welcome Juan's obviously well-researched opinions on this matter any time he wishes to meet with me and share them."
The fact that Rev Wright is willing to put a link to my blog on his personal blog shows me that he is very different from the bishops I live under here in Sydney. I believe Rev Wright was probably present at Juan Kinnear's ordination and he certainly did not join the few priests in the diocese who objected to the ordination.
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