Finally there is a response to the disgusting laws recently passed in Uganda and Nigeria
Dear Friends and Colleagues in Christ,
Anglicans throughout
Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia continue to wrestle with divergent
views on many aspects of human sexuality, and on a Christian response to
the marriage or blessing of same gender couples in particular. However,
we believe that all Anglicans are united in condemning homophobic
attitudes or the persecution of people on the basis of their sexual
Many of us will have seen reports this week (eg:
) that Uganda’s President has signed into law a bill that toughens penalties for gay people.
new law includes the provision of life sentences for certain of these
new ‘crimes’, and the legislation appears to have been passed with the
encouragement of Uganda’s Joint Christian Council – which includes the
country’s Catholic, Orthodox and Anglican bishops.
We recall
Resolution 1:10 from the 1998 Lambeth Conference, which encouraged
Anglicans throughout our Communion “to minister pastorally and
sensitively to all, irrespective of sexual orientation and to condemn
irrational fear of homosexuals...”
We note with dismay these
developments in Uganda, and encourage you to remember that country,
those placed further at risk by these laws, and those who lead the
Church and the state in Uganda, in your prayers.
Archbishop Brown Turei
Archbishop Philip Richardson
Archbishop Winston Halapua
Opinion – 8 February 2025
1 day ago
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