Sunday, September 27, 2015

New Zealand Flag

This is descending into farce. Let us hope it results in no change at all, however it is still a waste of Government funds.
For overseas people - the current flag.

The original Four contenders

The latest addition known as the Red Peaks Flag which has been added to the list due to the Green party support of the National Party.

My email to Metiria Turei MP,  Co-Leader of the Greens, a list Member of Parliament but she regularly contests the electorate in which I live.

I live in the electorate you contest and have voted Green for a number of years due to my concern for the environment.
I am utterly flabbergasted at the Green support of National last night. If this meaningless flag gets up, I will never vote Green again. My preference is to stay with what we have but I would accept the flag with the red southern cross and the silver fern (I preferred the koru but see no point in creating a petition for it). At least they represent our country. The red peak flag could just as well represent outer Mongolia.
Lack of money for our hospitals, education, climate change reduction and environment protection  should be of more concern to the Green party than assisting John Key in wasting money for his vanity project.

Metiria Turei MP
Metiria Turei MP

The Koru flag, not in the chosen.

My post many years ago re Australian and New Zealand Flags.

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