I think these videos are great. Most of my readers will have seen them as I pinched them from other bloggers more widely read than me but I want to have them easy to find in order to cheer me up occasionally. First thanks to Wild Reed for the following summarised version of the talk by Dr John Corvino. I am impressed by his amusing but succinct dealing with the arguments. I would like to see the whole DVD but probably it would not work in the Australian zone and I have no one to whom to show it although I can think of a lot of Anglican priests in Sydney who would benefit. However it seems nothing will get through the thick heads of some people anyway. I have never been able to understand why some people hate us so much.
And thanks to Counterlight for the next one which perhaps tells the same message in a more concise way to get through those thick heads.
Opinion – 8 February 2025
1 day ago
The first video is very good. But I don't like the second at all.
The first video is very good. But I don't like the second at all.¨ Göran
That´s what I think too...anyway, thanks for the videos...kinda got my blood circulating this morning and now I´m ready to run off and continue just ¨being¨ me.
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