I am finding it hard to cope with the blog roll on the right of my page. I like to keep up but find that, as last weekend, when I go out several days in a row the list just gets longer. There is a lot of good stuff but my time is spent in front of the computer. I just threw out over a month's worth of daily papers from my dining table. I read the first few pages then leave them for later unless I take them with me on the nearly 2 hour train trip to the city. The pile got higher and I was trying to eat off the top of the pile. Finally had to throw them all.
I went to 2 social meetings last week with people my age. They all said they check their email every 3 or 4 days (some do not have the internet) and looked amazed that I check my computer, if at home, every hour. I did not tell them I spend 3 or 4 hours a day (when home) reading blogs.
I am adding friends when requested to Facebook, they are all from my blogroll anyway, but have no intention of posting there. The whole idea of asking a person to be my friend I find creepy. How would I feel if they refused? I sometimes get requests from people I do not know, how strange. I only go to Facebook when I receive an email.
Oh well back to reading, although I have a pile of housework and, if it was not raining, a heap of gardening to do.
I want to post about the seminar last weekend but when will I find the time?
Epiphany XXI: Martyrs
7 hours ago
I know exactly what you mean.
Honestly, I have come to read what I can, when I can. Some blogs have been left behind. The ones I really want to come to are the ones I go to when I have time. Period.
Life must be lived! Not just blogged.
Although I do love all of our connections and community and would not want to give that up entirely.
I am going on retreat this weekend... no computer! No blogs!
I"m with FranIAm.
Add my voice to the "me too" crowd. I have to be careful not to get drawn in, because I have the world at my fingertips and it is so alluring! Blogs, news, ideas, art, beauty, faith, justice, love, anger; it's all a siren call to me.
I regulate my time by assigning my online hours. It makes it easier to choose what I read.
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