Two items today I have found most moving.
From KJ on Madpriest, please read the whole comment if you have not done so already.
You see, Tim, I once followed the "accurate" advice you prescribe here. This is what I was told was right and the will of God for me. There was just one problem, this advice nearly led to the end of my existence on earth as it led to despair. I wanted it to be true -- I wanted to be like every other evangelical boy, I assumed, a heterosexual. I wanted to marry a lovely girl and "settle down." I wanted to not be me. I clung so tightly to what I wanted to be true of me, and what others said needed to be true to me, that what God would have me to be was nearly lost. Yet, to those on the "outside," I was a fine example of a good evangelical boy, busy with the work of the "gospel," while dying in need of relationship on the inside.
And there's the spiritual rub, of course. How does the Spirit use one when that one is consumed with attempting to be what he or she is not? How is it good news to tell others to pretend to be someone else? To others like me, I had nothing to offer. This is not good, and it certainly is not news.
And from Rev Susan Russell at An Inch at a Time reporting from TEC convention.
The woman who stopped me in the worship hall to thank Integrity for our work and then to share that she had attended the Integrity Eucharist with her 14 year old son -- and that afterwards in their hotel room he had come out to her.
"I've known he was gay since he was about 4," she said, her eyes welling up. "And have been waiting for him to figure it out. The fact that he came to himself in the context of a celebration of the Eucharist -- that he's never going to have to wonder if his church or his family will love and accept him as he is -- I just can't thank you enough."
"He's a really great kid," she said, wiping her eyes. "And he's going to be FABULOUS gay man! "
I pray for the day when it will not be necessary for so many young GLBT Christians to wrestle with a perceived conflict between their faith and their sexuality but instead discover it as part of their unique God created being.
In Birpai Country
1 hour ago
1 comment:
A moving post.
And still the haters say we've got it wrong.
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