I have pinched this from Episcopal Padre. I have discussed elsewhere my confusion over Bishop Spong. I have never heard him preach (not possible in Sydney) but have heard him interviewed on our local radio. I have been impressed. I cannot agree with all his writings and they are certainly not those of an orthodox Episcopal (Anglican) bishop. He was allowed to preach in the Brisbane Cathedral by the Primate of Australia much to the disgust of the bishops and the rest of the gang who run the Diocese of Sydney. My beliefs and theology are probably closer to theirs but they do not preach a gospel of Love like Bishop Spong. I believe Truth can be found in many areas and God speaks through all sorts of people not just those who can sign up to the orthodox line. I would rather listen to Bishop Spong than the hate filled exclusionist ravings of Jensen et al. I find this sermon excerpt comforting and uplifting. Please listen and enjoy.
General Synod Questions – February 2025
6 hours ago
I love Spong...this was a great example of why...the simple permission, or challenge, to stop with the nonsense and get on board with ¨the being¨...learning how ¨to be¨ authentically...the rest will take care of itself, afterall there is no place to hide after one stops playing pretend.
Agreed Leonardo. I am sure our acceptance by God will be due to our response to the message of Love rather than whether we believe in the Virgin Birth and even the physical Resurrection.
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