I spent 2 nights with my sister and was able to do the shopping and allow her to spend most of the time with her foot up. Her foot is much better now and the swelling has gone down. She can get around quite well using Mum's old walking stick. Luckily it is her left wrist that is broken. I left her several microwave meals to keep her going and a lady who lives in the same block brought a big container of soup.
I am no cook. We had a baked dinner my sister had previously put in the freezer one night. And I went to KFC the other night.
I will visit by train after church on Sunday and drive down again on Monday evening so as to take her back to the hospital on Tuesday morning for replastering once the swelling has gone down. I have promised to drive down the following Friday and take her for other pre-arranged medical appointments. I will probably stay the night and pick my brother-in-law up at the airport on the Saturday. Then he can take over.
My wallet arrived in the post without the $150 but at least everything else. Apparently someone had dropped it into a letter box.
Thankfully I have avoided the hassle of getting a new driving licence. I, of course, am in the process of getting new credit/debit cards which had been cancelled and rearranging regular payments from them.
I had been asked to work 2 days next week and 2 days the following week. I have now received an email asking me to work 3 days in the following week so that will replace the money lost. However, all this is further delaying the preparation of my house for sale.
I have closed my Facebook account. Reading that people are going to bed and receiving hugs etc are just not my scene, no offence meant.
I must be a curmudgeon. In the two days at my sister's home the phone rang more than it would ring all year at my home. I get more calls from charity groups (commercial phone calls are blocked and illegal here) than from friends. My phone might go several weeks without ringing.
General Synod Questions – February 2025
5 hours ago
Lots of people can't cook. My daughter-in-law is one, but fortunately my son can. Your sister is lucky to have you helping out. If you tend to be somewhat introverted, as I am, the phone doesn't ring much. I find I have to be proactive on that front.
Although I have no trouble enjoying people (or avoiding them) I like being on my own and in my own little world of art and other creative stuff...even when I was a kid I like the experience of entertaining myself (I also alternated being a control freak and litterally trying to run the show with the neighborhood kids)...it´s always been that way for me...sort of sprinting and then escaping in the world of my own making...it´s fun and I see so many lovely qualities in you Brian...interesting your phone may not ring but you are very connected all over the World...and we care about you and your sister and the things that you do, or don´t do.
Big Abrazos,
Thanks Leonardo
I rarely feel lonely at home. I do have friends in walking and other groups, just do not ring them and so they do not ring me. I do read your blog regularly but do not feel I have much to add to your eloquent condemnation of the fundies.
Brian, I'm pleased to hear that your sister is better. It was good that she had your help while her husband was away.
Deja-vu for me with the lost wallet, but I was blessed to have mine returned with more money in it than when I lost it. I had to cancel credit cards, but, at least the rest of my documents were intact.
Prayers that your sister will continue to heal.
Good to hear your sister is better and Good Luck with the move!
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