I am excited that our church will be showing this film in a seminar on Saturday Jan 31. It is the first event for 2009 organised by the St James Institute. My sister has agreed to attend with me. This is more of an advertisement, I am sure I will have more to say afterwards.
Details and booking form can be downloaded from the Church website.
Saturday 31 January 2009 from 1.00pm till 5.00pm
Interpreting the Bible is not just for scholars and preachers. Christians must apply their faith to their lives on a daily basis. For them the dilemmas and choices are matters not of theory but of practice.
What if there is an apparent conflict between two differently perceived duties?
This is the situation faced by traditional believers when they discover that a child, their partner or someone close to them is gay; or that they themselves are gay. They may believe that homosexuality is wrong, yet they cannot cast off the bonds of love. They may find that the adage to hate the sin but love the sinner is too facile and inappropriate when it comes to those close to them.
This seminar is staged in two parts. In the first we will view a video, For the Bible Tells Me So. Produced in the USA, this video recounts the experiences of some Christian parents with gay children. It includes Bishop Gene Robinson of New Hampshire and his parents. In the second part we will discuss the implications of the video for parents, partners and individuals.
The discussion will be led by Professor Michael Horsburgh.
Michael Horsburgh is a former head of Social Work at the University of Sydney and formerly chaired the Academic Board of the Sydney College of Divinity. He is a longstanding parishioner of St James’, a diocesan reader and frequent preacher.
Cost $32 ($16 for those eligible to a discount)
Venue St James’ Hall, Level 1, 169 Phillip Street, Sydney
Opinion – 8 February 2025
1 day ago
Brian, that's great that you'll get to see it. I've heard that it's quite good. I'm sure that it won't be shown in my church.
Our parish just watched this in our adult forum. It was well received and there was stimulating conversations about it.
I'm hoping to have our church use this in the upcoming year. We will have a four-week series on Faith and Homosexuality next month, our first direct attempt on the subject, and our library will have this film on the shelf by then. It is a great conversation-starter for all.
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