From the Sydney Morning Herald
"Pell plans fidelity oath for principals" especially worth viewing for the cartoon. Principals will have to publicly commit to a "vow of fidelity" by adhering to church teaching on homosexuality, birth control and women's ordination.
In the 80's I was a teacher in a Senior Catholic Boys' College within the Sydney Archdiocese and my sexuality was common knowledge.
A very few boys approached me for counselling , a lot made life difficult,
a few stated they had formed different views of homosexuality as a result of being
in my class, the Principals at the time (religious Brothers) were probably uncomfortable but supported me.
Occasionally I receive an email such as the following from an ex-student (now with a PhD)
"although not apparent as a young guy it was important to have people like you in the school. Made life a little easier.
Anyway won’t go on, just wanted to say hi and let you know that there are people out here who appreciated knowing you." Eventually I moved to a different school with younger children
and decided life would be easier if I was more discreet.
It makes me angry to think that young people struggling with their self identification are still prevented from observing role
models. Fortunately I have been in State schools and heard Gay teachers
being quite open with their senior students. I can inform Pell that it will not stop young men discovering
and hopefully accepting their homosexuality.
Just from looking at class photos of the 70's I can
list many young men I later met in gay bars. Not many of them, however, would still be found attending the church despite attending Catholic schools
for their whole primary and secondary education ..