I have just learned, thanks to Grandmere Mimi, that Peter Jensen who styles himself Anglican Archbishop of Sydney will be at a conference in London on July 6. It is only a few weeks since I read he was stirring up trouble while speaking in Ireland, I do not know if he has been back in the meantime or is just enjoying the English Spring. We know he was gallivanting around Jerusalem and the United Kingdom although avoiding Lambeth last (Australian) winter. Must be a nice job. Guess he does not want to spend too much time on mundane Diocesan matters, I do not believe he ever ran a parish so pastoral care is not his forte.
However it sickens me to think that the cost of all his jaunts are being paid by Diocesan funds which are supported by the dues from my parish and therefore my weekly offerings. The thought that just one cent of my church donation could be used to pay for the jet travel of this hate filled little man to meet his homophobic mates and support him while he works to destroy the Anglican communion makes me want to retch. I think I will put an empty envelope in the plate in future and direct my money in other ways. Maithri's work of love in Swaziland and Medecins Sans Frontiers or perhaps the work of Red Cross in Sri Lanka are obvious alternatives. I stopped donating to Anglicare (Sydney) when Jensen became President of that organisation and wrote to tell them so. That money now goes to Anglicoord in Melbourne.
If Jensen is so fond of his travels, why doesn't he resign and concentrate on running the FOCAS or whatever they now call themselves and stop embarrassing the real Anglicans of Sydney he pretends to lead. Unfortunately most of his henchmen who are running the diocese in his absence are worse than him if you can believe it.
A dear friend who is a deacon (no women priests in Sydney though she would love to be one and would be excellent in that position) last week told us that she spent a year at Moore Theological College in 1966 and has spent over 40 years since studying theology to wipe away what she learned at that time. Jensen, spent most of his time from the late 60's until 2001 there as student, teacher then principal so would need aeons to destroy the viruses implanted.
In Birpai Country
1 hour ago
Brian, would you allow me to use part of your comment here and link to the rest (I´ll add pictures of Jensen etc)? I get very upset about the same topics you cover here...imagine, these self-proclaimed ¨religious¨ folks dashing about destroying PEOPLE and the Communion...yes, far better places to donate money than to promote fear and hate at Church.
leonardo, please feel free.
Brian, while you´re sleeping tonight (and after I get up)...the tiptoeing of little toes and fingertips (tipfingering?) from americacentral will come in and caputure your words for use on the otherside of the moon...mil gracias.
"A dear friend who is a deacon (no women priests in Sydney though she would love to be one and would be excellent in that position) last week told us that she spent a year at Moore Theological College in 1966 and has spent over 40 years since studying theology to wipe away what she learned at that time." I also have a friend who studied there and eventually was allowed ordination in CoE in Vienna (with more studies through England), although the bishop who ordained her was the American bishop of Europe. The then Bishop of London wouldn't do it. This hurtfulness is still there with both women and gays. I've been very fortunate to have bishops who appreciate women priests (straight and gay) and men priests (straight and gay).
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